Looking for a 100% Eco friendly promotional bags for your brand?

Reusable promotional bags are the best way to promote brand

At this moment using plastic bag is a global issue. So most of the developed countries are looking for biodegradable bags. Now few countries are trying to establish that non woven PP Bags are biodegradable bags & best alternative of plastic bags. But this information is wrong. PP will take more than 100 years for bio-degradation.
So is it really biodegradable bag and 100% Eco friendly bag?

Answer is No. Which Products would take more than 100 years that would not be a completely biodegradable option. So it will make harm to environment for more than 100 years! Rather we suggest natural products like jute & cotton, which would take maximum 1 year for biodegradation. So now it's our time to decide that which one is truly biodegradable material and 100% Eco friendly.

Jute and cotton bags have many benefits which are not available in Non-woven PP bags. Jute & Cotton bags are looking attractive & durable enough. So it can be used more than three or four months easily where as PP bags cannot be used more than 5 to 10 days.

Many companies are using PP Bags for promotional purpose. But it's not suitable for promotional purpose because of its low longevity. Jute & cotton bags are best for promotional gifts because people use it up to the last time of damaging of bags. These bags are completely natural so if we use these bags, we can reduce the carbon emission. Carbon emission is an important factor to be destroyed our earth.

So we have a responsibility to protect our earth. As a human being we should not use such type of things which can make a harmful reaction on our earth. We are very late to think it! However we believe which day you will read this post, you will stop to use plastic bags and you will inspire other people not to use these dirty products. If we would not be conscious ourselves, nobody would save us from this destruction. For the benefit of all creatures in this earth we have to be more conscious about the choosing of our regular used products. Just keep in mind that natural bags are always safe for our human body as well as our environment.

  • By pranabadmin
  • Sun, 08/31/2014 - 12:15
  • 17
  • Jute Bags, Plastic Bags, Ocean, Ecosystems

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